오늘의 메모/어학

24.6.20 데일리 영어공부 with ChatGPT

orsr 2024. 6. 20. 21:30

오늘은 루틴에 관한 내용을 공부하였다
현재 시제를 다루어서 표현을 하게 되는데 왜 말을 하다 보면 현재 시제는 왜 자꾸 잘 안되는지 모르겠다.
그래도 매일 말하는 게 좋으니까 오늘도 무사히.
애기 보면서 어플을 켠 것에 감사 😊

배운 내용으로 써보기 ☺️

My daily routine usually involves spending time with my baby. Because she is just three months old.

My daily routine  includes a variety of activities such as feeding my baby, reading thirty pages of a book every day, and chatting with ChatGPT to improve my language skills.

Also, despite having a busy schedule with my baby, I try to find my time for hobbies such as drawing and cooking.

I usually draw flowers with oil pastel. Oil pastels can create vibrant and textured drawings. Also, drawing different kinds of flowers must give me a lot of variety and opportunity for creativity.