오늘의 메모/어학

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orsr 2023. 7. 7. 18:18

Class 3 트렌드 이슈 익히기

현대인의 주의 산만, 해결법은?  Shorter Attention Span of Modern People



attention span 집중 시간, 집중 주기

Length of time one can focus on something. 

suggest 제안하다, 추천하다

Offer an idea or proposal for consideration.

distraction 주의 산만, 주의 분산

Something that diverts attention or causes confusion.

disconnect 연결을 끊다

To seperate or break the connection between two things.


Undo (sth). become loose or undone.



피곤할  때 내 집중 시간은 더 짧아.

My attention span is shorter when I'm tired.

이 동네의 좋은 레스토랑을 추천해 주시겠어요?

Can you recommend a good retaurant in town?

바깥 소음이 가장 주의 산만하게 하더군.

The outside noise was the major distraction.

주말에는 일과의 연결을 끊어야지.

I need to disconnect from work on the weekends.

On weekends We have to unfasten from work.


더 생각 해볼만한 주제들

Do you agree that technology is the main reason for our shorter attention spans?

What are some small changes you can make to improve your focus?

Should there be laws to protect our right to disconnect from technology?

How do you think email affects our ability to focus?

Do you think hiding social media icons will help improve our attention spans?

What other changes can we make to improve our productivity an happicess?


오류 수정 (많이도 틀렸네)

(X) We have different situation.

(O) We have diffrednt situations.(복수형)


(X) Mobile phone is reason why I'm not concentrated.

(O) My/ The mobile phone is the reason why I can not concentrate/focus.


(X) We have different aspects.

(O) We have different views about things/matters.


(X) The technology makes the environment.

(O) Technoloty makes/ builds the environment.


(X) Technology is more helpful us.

(O) Technology is more helpful to us.


(X) We need more powerful will for concentrate.

(O) We need to have a strong will power to concentrate.


(X)Everyday many chatting are in our kakao.

(O) Everyday many chats/ messages are in our kakao.

class 2 비즈니스 대화 준비 - Telephone Calls (2)

This is A speaking : (전화 받는 사람은) A입니다.

Thank you for calling, this is Jane speaking.

Good afternoon, This is Mr.Park speaking.


A is not available at the moment : A는 지금 통화할 수 없어요.

I'm really sorry, but he's not available at the moment.

She is on a business trip, so she is not available at the moment.

Sara is in a meeting, so she is not available at the moment.


Leave a message : 메시지를 남기다.

Can I leave a  message?

Would you leave me a message?

I left a message to her administrative assistant.

I'd like to leave a message to your boss.



추가 표현

You need to look presentable. / You need to look human (깔끔하게 보이다)

How often do you make a phone call for your work? (일할 때 전화를 얼마나 하나요?)

It's part of my job.(내 일의 일부다)

It's one of the biggest roles in my job. (내 일에서 가장 주요한 일 중 하나다)

Sending a message isn't a burden. (메시지를 보내는 것은 부담이 되지 않는다)

Having a good communication skill is important. (좋은 커뮤니케이션 스킬을 갖는 다는 것은 중요하다)

I'll give him your message as soon as he gets back. (그가 돌아오는 대로 메시지를 전달하겠다)

They harassed me and now I'm traumatized. (그들은 나를 괴롭혔고, 나는 충격에 빠졌다) 

It made me feel scared. (그것을 나를 무섭게 하였다)



세세한 것에 열심인 :  keen on details

 I am dedicated and I am keen on detail. (저는 헌신적이며 꼼꼼한 성격입니다)