오늘의 메모/어학

24.5.19 오늘의 메모 _ 입트영 DAY3

orsr 2024. 5. 19. 11:52

DAY3 Medical Check-ups

I have been getting medical check-ups every 2 years. I gotta check-up recently as well. I had to go on a fast day before getting gastroscopy and colonoscopy procedures.

The day of the check-up began with body measurement. My height, weight, blood pressure, eyesight, and lung capacity were measured. Then I had blood samples taken, and I turned in a urine sample.

Next, more in-depth tests  took place. First, I got an ultrasound of my stomach. Next, I took medicine to help move my bowels so that I could get an endoscopy. They put me under, and I got my gastroscopy and colonoscopy procedure together.

After the procedure, I examined the video myself while the doctor examined it. I  received the test results 2 weeks later. Aside from slightly high blood pressure, I had a clean bill of health.

in-depth test 정밀 검사.
I needed an in-depth test to find out what was wrong.

Get a endoscopy 내시경 검사를 받다
You shouldn't eat anything the night before you get an endoscopy.

move one's bowels 대변을 보다.
I took medicine to help move my bowels.